Many of us who have taken the Finishing Well class want to help our parents create their own Survivor’s Plan of Action. However, it is very hard to decide when and how to start this delicate conversation. The good news is now is a great time, and read on for some useful tips!
Continue reading “When and How to Start the Conversation”Category: Call-To-Action
Tips To Start Your Plan
For those that have taken the classes, or have seen previews, you know how much detail can be in your Survivor’s Plan of Action, and it may seem overwhelming to get started. After all, how do you capture your whole life in a document?
Continue reading “Tips To Start Your Plan”Gift During Grief
When I first used my Finishing Well worksheet with my wife’s parents, I was amazed how much it helped. Once I started talking to others about it, I was convinced that not just my friends and family could benefit, but everyone could benefit. That’s what this web site, and this blog, is for.
Continue reading “Gift During Grief”